Foster Care

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Foster Care

Illinois Youth & Family services assists the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) by providing care, supervision, housing, safety, and assist with a treatment and permanency plan for youth in need of immediate placement in Will County.

As part of that effort, we provide specialized foster care placement services that reinforce the value of serving distressed youth in a well-coordinated system of care which is: seamless for the youth/families; standardized in terms of multi-disciplinary assessment; outcome driven; cost effective; and collaborative in building upon a partnership the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) in sustaining quality specialized services.

We provide specialized and LGBTQIA placement services for the child welfare population ages 0-18 in order to increase stability for youth that are  in need of immediate placement; and provide children the opportunity to have a safe home, attend school and community outings  while in foster care, engage with families; and enhance reunification and placement options and outcomes for youth. 

Our specialized placement(LGBTQIA youth services) services accept DCFS referrals for youth and adolescents in need of immediate placement, not limited to: LGBTQIA youth with medical conditions; conduct/delinquent behavior disorders and learning disorders. These youth will learn skills from trained foster parents, therapists and other medical providers to help develop improved ability to function in foster homes, school, community and family living arrangements within birth, kin and adoptive environments.